Sunday, March 1, 2015

Daily tool/resource & apology 1 March 2015 (Tunefind)

Good morning! I'm back with another cool resource for using in your classroom/lessons.

I'm going to start with the apology - when school began, time got pretty tight. But then I got word that my mother is ill - very ill - and I've been consumed with phone calls, documents, travel arrangements, emails, and it's taken all my mental space. But I'm determined not to let my blogging fall by the wayside, so I'm back! I will not be posting every day; I simply cannot keep that commitment while I'm running around. But I'll do the best I can.

So here's today's resource: Tunefind.

Ever heard a song in the background of a television show and thought: "wow, that's really effective?" Or "I love that song!" Or "gee, I wonder who that was?" But you have trouble finding that kind of thing on (and excellent resource for film and television, btw, and easy to use - maybe another post later)? Well, Tunefind can bring you right to that song, where you can listen or download!

Here's how it works (so easy!).

Step 1: go to

Step 2: Choose the show you want to look into via the browse or search functions.

Step 3: Choose what season the episode it is (you can find this in your online tv guide or through I looked for the finale of Grey's Anatomy, because I feel in love with Snow Patrol through a scene on there!

Tunefind will list all the seasons, so pick the one you need, and then it will take you to the list of episodes:

If you scroll down, you can see that the site is community managed; you can ask/answer questions and submit music.

I actually meant to choose Season 1, and missed, so pardon the "season 11" at the top of that pic. What I discovered is that I misremembered that episode, and so I went to Season 2. The mini-synopsis of each episode was a real help with this.

As you can see, the song I wanted was the second one on the list (I could tell from the synopsis of what was happening when the song was playing, though I think this particular one could be better). When I clicked on it, I got this:

It is playing the song at this point, and offers options for purchasing/downloading the song for my use.

Pretty nifty stuff, especially if you're wanting to just listen or engage emotion, say, when teaching how a certain song can set the tone of a scene.

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