since the nzateconference, i've been busy trying out some different things. I've compiled a list of all the cool stuff from the conference, or, at least the things that weren't blocked at my school. you can see them

just this weekend a whole bunch of teachers were on twitter (who knew?), and i was able to join in the live webcast of
edmodo 3.0. edmodo is a microblogging platform for teachers and students only. it's kind of like twitter, but for just you and your class. you can also have your class calendar, assignments, and grades on it as well. i've only just joined, and as i'm blogging and wiki-ing for the first time this year, this may have to wait until the summer holidays for me to really try out. but you may be interested in it yourself, so check it out. if you'd like to leave a comment about your use of edmodo, that'd be great!
in other news, i have finally managed to convert a speech and edit it in moviemaker, and have ended up with one poorly edited less than 1 minute video clip that thrilled me no end. i won't post it now, but will ask students later whose video i could put here. once we have them made (students will undertake their own), we will embed them in our blogs, if i can figure out how to do that in
21classes. must get on it, as i've volunteered them for open night, a mere 2 weeks away.
i hope your having a happy term 3 and enjoying your parent interviews!
Edmodo is fantastic. I've started using it this week. First I created group logins for my 6 class groups and got them all to login and add a comment.
ReplyDeleteThen I set up a starter assignment and walked them through how to 'turn in' the answer.
Then we worked on our introductory communications activity using search engines and edmodo.
On Friday one of my younger students (still only 7) was home sick and created a personal sign in on edmodo so she could do some work. At the end of the day I got a message from her - "I'm having fun!"
I guess that says it all!